IGitHubPlugin interface

Implement this interface in PluginControlBase derived class

Implements this interface to add a menu in XrmToolBox when your plugin is opened and visible. This menu allows to redirect the user to the Issues page of the specified GitHub repository.

#region IGitHubPlugin implementation

public string RepositoryName => "GithubRepositoryName";

public string UserName => "GithubUserName";

#endregion IGitHubPlugin implementation


ICodePlexPlugin interface

Implement this interface in PluginControlBase derived class

Implements this interface to add a menu in XrmToolBox when your plugin is opened and visible. This menu allows to redirect the user to the IssuesDiscussions and Rating page of the specified CodePlex project.

Note : will be removed soon as CodePlex will be down in November


IPayPalPlugin interface

Implement this interface in PluginControlBase derived class

Implements this interface to add a menu in XrmToolBox when your plugin is opened and visible. This menu allows to redirect the user to PayPal donation page (USD, GBP, EUR).

#region IPayPalPlugin implementation

public string DonationDescription => "paypal description";

public string EmailAccount => "paypal@paypal.com";

#endregion IPayPalPlugin implementation


IHelpPlugin interface

Implement this interface in PluginControlBase derived class

Implements this interface to add a menu in XrmToolBox when your plugin is opened and visible. This menu allows to redirect the user to a web help page.

#region IHelpPlugin implementation

public string HelpUrl => "http://www.google.com";

#endregion IHelpPlugin implementation


IStatusBarMessager interface

Implement this interface in PluginControlBase derived class

Implements this interface to allow your plugin to send process progress information to XrmToolBox main application. This information can be displayed as text, progress bar or both in the XrmToolBox status bar.

public event EventHandler<StatusBarMessageEventArgs> SendMessageToStatusBar;

private void SomeMethod()
	// If progress has to be notified to user, through the
	// status bar, use the following method
	SendMessageToStatusBar?.Invoke(this, new StatusBarMessageEventArgs(50, "progress at 50%"));

INoConnectionRequired interface

Implement this interface in PluginBase derived class

Implement this interface if your plugin does not need a connection before being opened.