Managed Solution Sitemap Fixer


XrmToolBox plugin for fixing sitemaps in managed solutions exported from CRM. When exporting solutions, which include a sitemap, you don't want to include any unnecessary elements. This is especially true when developing 3rd party addons.

This tool makes it easy to prepare a valid sitemap and replace the existing one in the exported solution. It's an alternative for extrating the solution zip and doing this by hand each time.

It allows you to load a solution from a zip file. See and edit the included sitemap and put it back into the solution. You can also save and load the edited sitemap.

Latest version release notes

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Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.0.2 9/7/2018 1:27:55 PM 46472 0.00
1.0.1 8/26/2018 8:10:10 PM 3489 0.00
1.0.0 8/24/2018 10:58:33 AM 1440 0.00


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Author: CrmDev365 Latest version: 1.0.2 Released on: 04/08/2022 Nuget package Id: CrmDev365.XrmToolBox.CrmManagedSolutionSitemapFixer Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 0Average rating 0Number of ratings Downloads 46472Latest version 51401All versions 17133.67Average per version Tags